With each page running through your fingers, the fabric in the pictures comes to life. Clothes that many never even dream of owning seem with in arms reach and for a second the world stops. Each page is flawless and every unique detail makes it unlike any other, it’s the T Magazine, The New York Times style magazine.
Monday, December 14, 2009
From the The Oklahoma Daily to the New York Times
With each page running through your fingers, the fabric in the pictures comes to life. Clothes that many never even dream of owning seem with in arms reach and for a second the world stops. Each page is flawless and every unique detail makes it unlike any other, it’s the T Magazine, The New York Times style magazine.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tayler Pierce is a Sophomore at The University of Oklahoma, she has drive, motivation and will power, all things you need to be a great athlete. Tayler runs miles each day training for her upcoming marathon but practice alone is not enough to help Tayler overcome the challenges she faces, she also needs doctors. When she was 16 Tayler was diagnosed with MRSA a form of staph that cannot be treated with medication. Since then she has had to undergo many surgeries and takes extra precautions, but all of these obstacles have yet to keep Tayler from doing what she loves.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
baby steps for baby feet
Photo by: Ana Valentine
Pro-Life Ambassadors fight to save the lives of unborn children at risk of being aborted.
Students are faced with choice each day, they have the option of standing up for what they believe in or taking a step back, a year ago a group of students decided to take a stand against something they were passionate about. Pro-Life.
Last fall Jared Clary with the help of students from Pursuit College Ministry decided to make and start the Pro-Life ambassadors.
The group is dedicating to educating Oklahoma Students on the issues of abortion and also reaching out to students in a crisis pregnancy situation.
“We hold organizational meetings to discuss plans and become better educated on the abortion issue. We also engage in campus activism events like booths in the Union and displays on campus,” President Jared Haines said.
The issue of abortion is a controversial subject and one that many students steer clear of, but last November the Pro-Life ambassadors made it hard avoid by putting graphic diagrams along the South Oval.
Like many times in life there are always people who will not agree with you.
“Some pro-choice people here at OU aren't willing to have a civil conversation where they admit flaws in their arguments,” Haines said.
The group is open to new members or people wanting to help out.
Member Casey Merick said they try and bring people to speak at the meetings who have more knowledge over the Pro-Life position in order to help members learn to better argue their position.
For more information on the group and their upcoming activities you can visit askaboutbabyfeet.com
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bright Lights... Big City...
Photo by: Ana Valentine
As the year progresses and students becomes more involved on campus they begin to reek the benefits of being active in The University of Oklahoma’s wide range of student organizations.
Four days after leaving for New York City the Magazine Interest group returns home to Norman Oklahoma with a new experience under their belt and information to help them further their careers in the magazine industry.
The group visited Parents, People, Glamour and New York Times magazine while in the Big Apple. They met with some of the top editors in the business and were able to tour the magazine to get a feel for the ways things were run.
“New York City gave me the opportunity to meet influential people in the Public Relations side of the magazine industry and helped me branch out and make connections,” Senior Kim Jones said.
Not only did the students visit four magazines they also had a free day to explore the city and see a different style of living.
“When I walked into the sculpture room at the met I actually cried,” Senior Kristi McMullen said. “I was so overwhelmed, it was incredible.”
Out side of Oklahoma and campus life is a completely other world and trips to other places gives students the opportunity to see what else is out there.
“Students need to go beyond the borders of Oklahoma because life is so much bigger than your home state and lets students find out where they want to work or where they don’t,” Advisor Kathryn Jenson White said.
The Magazine Interest Group will be hosting other events this year such as magazine swaps, resume writing and resume critiques.
“It feels great because all the hard work put in has proven to be a success because everyone gained so much from it,” Vice President Chinh Doan said.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting...
Started last year the SMAA has kicked things into high gear and has opened the organization to any one who has an interest in martial arts, whether it’s the lifestyle, the culture or the desire to learn some new moves.
Armed with a President who has 15 years of martial arts experience the organization has started to branch out to get involved on campus.
President Kevin Windham said the group participates in service projects, OU’s Big Event, UFC watch parties, the science of fighting lectures, and even self-defense seminars.
“Self-defense is a martial artists quick and dirty way of introducing broad concepts to people in order for them to defend themselves in a violent conflict setting, and essentially how to get away as quickly as possible to safety,” Windham said.
Last week the SMAA reached out to other organizations and lent a helping hand to a sorority on campus.
In honor of their lost sister, the sorority and the SMAA hosted a self-defense class.
“We do workshops so we can help others use the lessons that martial arts can teach us, to help take care of ourselves,” Pledge Class President, Yen Le said.
“I think self-defense saves lives, and encourages women in particular to have a sense of confidence in themselves and know that they are by no means defenseless when an aggressor comes to them.” Windham said.
The group will meet again next Sunday from 7-9pm. For more information you can visit their website http://ou.edu/ousmaa.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Who let the dogs out
With Oklahoma having the second most puppy mills in the United States, the Animal Volunteer Alliance also known as A.V.A is an animal welfare group on campus that strives to make changes in animal treatment in Norman.
“We believe we should help because we have an advantage over animals there for it is our job to care for them,” President Kathryn Hodges said.
The group was started last year and has been continually growing ever since, volunteers are required to have 5 hours of volunteer hours a week, but many exceed this.
As many of us are animal lovers, the group focuses on educating students about proper animal care and raises awareness about the responsibilities of animal ownership.
President Kathryn Hodges said that many college students do not think of the time and responsibility that come with owning an animal. They think about what they want, rather than if the animal would benefit from having them as an owner.
“I got a dog from the shelter because I knew they had no other life if i didnt help.
there are so many dogs that die daily and I wanted to help, also shelter dogs come with all the shots and they are fixed,” student Rebecca Redcorn said.
Redcorn said that she later sold the dog because she realized he needed a home that could give him more attention and afford him financially.
The group will be participating in various volunteer activities through out the year such as the Wild Care Open house and Second Chance events. For an opportunity to give back you can donate a bag of cat food to the A.V.A box in the Union.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
As the holidays approach the simple phrase “it is better to give than to receive” plays over in people minds. Many think of Thanksgiving or Christmas but here on OU’s campus that can only mean one thing, philanthropies.
South Greek boomed with music last night as the Eli Young Band performed in Phi Delta Theta’s backyard, and Delta Upsilon threw a block party on Tuesday for the kick-off of OU/Texas weekend.
For many it may seem like one big party but the fact of the matter is that by putting on these events thousands of dollars are raised for various charities across Oklahoma.
“Words can’t express how smoothly the entire event went said Phi Delta member Clark McCaskill.” “The best part is that all the money goes to ALS the fight for Lou Gehrigs disease, its really meaningful to us because Lou Gehrig was actually a member of Phi Delta.”
Tri Delta’s Pancake Breakfast benefits the children at St. Jude, the hospital has a special room for teenagers that is sponsored by the sorority said member Chinh Doan.
Every year new philanthropy events are formed, but for most they are a continuous tradition.
“A lot of organization, planning and publicity go into it, but what makes it worth while is knowing your focus and motivation is for something greater, its not for selfish reason, your motivation is ignited from helping other people and that is where our success stems from in our philanthropies,” said Tayler Pierce Chi Omega philanthropy chair.
Chi-O Cravings will be hosted November 2nd.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Save the Ta-Ta's
As fall approaches midterms are not the only thing on students’ minds, the slogan “Think Pink” can be seen popping up around campus and health issues are brought to everyone’s attention.
According to the Susan G. Komen website, every three minutes a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer.
For that exact reason the Women’s Out Reach Center and Susan G. Komen for the Cure have been working together for 7 years to raise awareness on Oklahoma’s campus.
Women’s Out Reach Coordinator, Kathy Moxley, said that 2 fulltime staff members and around 30 volunteers help to organize informational events around campus for the students.
“The biggest risk for developing breast cancer is being a women and growing older, and that’s all women, so we all need to be worried about this and concerned,” Moxley said.
Moxley said the events just as the Health Hut will promote breast health and inform students of the risks and warning signs of developing cancer.
“The Four keys to breast health are know your risk, get screened, know your body, and healthy lifestyle choices,” graduate assistant, Elizabeth Hart said.
In the upcoming weeks Women’s Out Reach Center will be sponsoring several Health Huts, a Zumba-thon and other activities such as Climb for Komen and the Pink and Black ball.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Here we are to worship. . .
Praise, worship, and faith were just three of the elements that students brought to Thursdays Stumo meeting. The music playing and the high energy drew people in to the building but it was the warm faces and love that keep people coming back.
Stumo is a non-denominational religious group that is directed towards college students. The bible study meets each week to help walk students through the bible and give them a chance to discuss their faith with fellow students.
Sooner Campus Director Brent Orr said that the goal of Stumo is to raise up spiritual leaders who will reach out to other students on campus.
The organization has been on campus for 5 years and has grown in numbers each year.
Orr said the group meets every week on Thursday nights but also has 30 to 40 student hosted bible studies through out the week on campus.
“It has given me a spiritual community outside of my sorority and my church, with more fellowship and community worship with other college students,” Sophomore Shannon Bass said.
“We see colleges as a sending base to spiritual leaders, we find people that have a heart for god and a heart for people and we send those people out to the world,” Orr said.
For students who want to take their love for god off campus Stumo offers a summer program. Kaleo is a nine week project for spiritual training that students can apply to participate in. The group will spend their time learning about worship and the practical skills for starting an on campus ministry group.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The kick-off of a new year..
OU Cousins Kick-Off
Chatter echoed off the walls, anxiety turned into anticipation and a feeling of acceptance filled the room at the OU Cousins Kick-Off Wednesday evening.
The event gave OU students, international students, and foreign exchange students the opportunity to socialize with one another in the hope of finding a potential OU Cousin.
Every student who attended the event registers to be matched, the way matching works is that students can either request another student whom they have met that evening or can be paired up randomly, says Event Coordinator Michael Nash. But no matter what every student will be matched.
This program created by President and Mrs. Boren is one of the many ways OU shows their hospitality to foreigners.
“Its really good when you walk across campus and you need to know about something or where something is you can talk to anyone or you can go to any office and everyone is really nice and I really like all the facilities that you can use. “ foreign exchange student, Jorge Vaez said.
Junior Nikki Head says its not only a great way to meet friends and get involved with other organizations on campus it also helps people who are looking to study abroad, it gives you a better feel for what students from other countries are like.
The kick-off was only the beginning of the events that OU Cousins has planned, the rest of the year. Students will be given the opportunity to learn about different cultures with events just as, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, an International sweets fair and much more.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Join CAC today!
Mother’s Day and Parent’s Weekend
It’s not too late to get involved on campus, the deadline for the Spring CAC Mother’s Day and Parent’s Weekend Exec is approaching. Applications are due Monday, September 28th by 5pm in the Student Life Offices, Suite 370 in the Oklahoma Memorial Union.
“Moms' Day & Parents' Weekend exec will begin having weekly meetings at the end of October until the week after Moms' Day & Parents' Weekend, Parents Weekend Chairmen, Courtney Gatlin said. “The meetings last about an hour. Each member of the committee will have some outside time required, but the amount depends on the position. For most, the additional time is between 30 minutes to 2 hours per week.”
Campus Activities Council exec is one of the many opportunities students have to get involved on Okalahoma’s campus.
“Being able to be involved and help out is truly a great rewarding feeling, with CAC it is a wide spread effort in reaching out to every student of this University and benefiting them in any way they need.” CAC member, Clark McCaskill said.
Founded in 1971, CAC has 23 council member and over 300 committee members that head 15 programs on campus. Homecoming, Howdy Week, U-Sing and Family Weekend are among many other events that the CAC council organizes and hosts.
“My favorite part about being on exec was actually seeing the event that you spent so long planning come to life,” sophomore Bria Hanlon said. “It is so exciting to know that all the hard work you put in wasn't a complete waste of time!”
Oklahoma’s campus will be full of color come October 31, when CAC hosts Homecoming 2009.