Friday, September 25, 2009

The kick-off of a new year..

OU Cousins Kick-Off

Chatter echoed off the walls, anxiety turned into anticipation and a feeling of acceptance filled the room at the OU Cousins Kick-Off Wednesday evening.

The event gave OU students, international students, and foreign exchange students the opportunity to socialize with one another in the hope of finding a potential OU Cousin.

Every student who attended the event registers to be matched, the way matching works is that students can either request another student whom they have met that evening or can be paired up randomly, says Event Coordinator Michael Nash. But no matter what every student will be matched.

This program created by President and Mrs. Boren is one of the many ways OU shows their hospitality to foreigners.

“Its really good when you walk across campus and you need to know about something or where something is you can talk to anyone or you can go to any office and everyone is really nice and I really like all the facilities that you can use. “ foreign exchange student, Jorge Vaez said.

Junior Nikki Head says its not only a great way to meet friends and get involved with other organizations on campus it also helps people who are looking to study abroad, it gives you a better feel for what students from other countries are like.

The kick-off was only the beginning of the events that OU Cousins has planned, the rest of the year. Students will be given the opportunity to learn about different cultures with events just as, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, an International sweets fair and much more.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Join CAC today!

Mother’s Day and Parent’s Weekend

It’s not too late to get involved on campus, the deadline for the Spring CAC Mother’s Day and Parent’s Weekend Exec is approaching. Applications are due Monday, September 28th by 5pm in the Student Life Offices, Suite 370 in the Oklahoma Memorial Union.

“Moms' Day & Parents' Weekend exec will begin having weekly meetings at the end of October until the week after Moms' Day & Parents' Weekend, Parents Weekend Chairmen, Courtney Gatlin said. “The meetings last about an hour. Each member of the committee will have some outside time required, but the amount depends on the position. For most, the additional time is between 30 minutes to 2 hours per week.”

Campus Activities Council exec is one of the many opportunities students have to get involved on Okalahoma’s campus.

“Being able to be involved and help out is truly a great rewarding feeling, with CAC it is a wide spread effort in reaching out to every student of this University and benefiting them in any way they need.” CAC member, Clark McCaskill said.

Founded in 1971, CAC has 23 council member and over 300 committee members that head 15 programs on campus. Homecoming, Howdy Week, U-Sing and Family Weekend are among many other events that the CAC council organizes and hosts.

“My favorite part about being on exec was actually seeing the event that you spent so long planning come to life,” sophomore Bria Hanlon said. “It is so exciting to know that all the hard work you put in wasn't a complete waste of time!”

Oklahoma’s campus will be full of color come October 31, when CAC hosts Homecoming 2009.

CAC Exec Applications

Sunday, September 13, 2009


The Library at the University of Oklahoma.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My roommate is a music junky, she hand made the album montage in this picture to decorate our room.